Our summer registration opens on May 1, 2020 and our summer session starts on June 1, 2020. The summer session will only be 7 weeks long. There is a different pricing structure moving forward. If you have questions please feel free to ask. I added in a bring a friend price as well as a non-member drop-in. The bring a friend is good for a new friend every class, no repeat friends. The summer schedule will change a little bit as we are adding a third forest school day to our week. This will mean a change up for our Thursdays.
Mondays we will have 4 brand new science classes(The Moon, Planets, The Rainforest and the desert), as well as 3 water themed sensory art classes.
Tuesdays we will be introducing our newest forest school location in S. St Petersburg. We have beautiful mangrove trails to walk, access to wonderful climbing Oak trees, a short walk to a pond, and access to Tampa Bay.
Wednesdays we will continue to meet at our Clearwater location.
Thursdays we will have 2 nature school walks and 2 beach schools, one day will be a nature school walk and a beach day combination. We will have 2 field trips as well. Please look at our calendar of events to see all of our locations.
Fridays we will be at our western St Petersburg location off of the intercoastal waterway.

We will be focusing on the moon cycle for the whole summer. At our Tuesday and Friday locations we will be tracking the tides, and making correlations to the moon's pull during its cycle.
As always if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.