If you are new to our group we would like to take this time to welcome you all and say thank you for your interest in our co-op. We love our mixed age classes as it brings in so many levels of learning. Moms, dads, grandparents, nannies, aunts, and uncles have all attended our classes and we love having the diversity they bring to the classes as well.

Mid Pinellas Learn and Play will have 2 sessions for the fall of 2020. Our first session will run from August 3, 2020 through October 2, 2020. We will not meet on Labor Day. Our second session will run from October 5, 2020 through December 4, 2020. We will not meet the week of Thanksgiving. We will be updating our registration page and ask that even if you registered before to please re register as we are in the process of updating our rules due to Covid-19. Registration will open on July 24, 2020.
Our prices will be as follows:
$10.00 per family registration per session
$8.00 for a drop-in per student
$40.00 per student one day a week per session (8 total classes)
we highly suggest purchasing our materials bag of $25.00. This includes a canvas logo bag, binoculars, bug, catcher, and bug tongs.
If you are in need of a scholarship please reach out to us at midpinellaslearnandplay@gmail.com
Our topics of discussion will include native plants, trees, insects, birds, snakes, and turtles. At our water locations we will also cover the moon cycle and how it affects the tide. We will keep track of the tide and what animals we see.